The sports seat that resonates with driving enthusiasts


Photo of Honda Civic Type R and Seat
The Civic is a global model produced by Honda that has many fans around the world.
The next generation of the well-known Type R, the sportiest Civic model, was released in July 2017.
For a car that can be used everywhere from the track to the street, the right type of seat is critical to ensure driver enjoyment.
We asked some key members involved in the development of this seat about this project.


  • Development LeaderSayama LPL Photo

    Naoto Sayama

    Model LPL Department

    LPL (Large Project Leader)

    Joined TS TECH in 1987. Worked on automobile seats in the Design Department until 2001, when he was posted to the U.S. Has been involved in all project assigned models, from development to release, as an LPL.

  • Photo by Inoue, a member of the development team

    Kazuya Inoue

    Design Department

    Joined TS TECH in 2014. Involved in seat frame design in the Design Department.
    Was in charge of design for this project.

  • Photo by Abe, a member of the development team

    Ryuhei Abe

    Development and Testing Department

    Joined TS TECH in 2013. Involved in safety testing of mass produced seats in the Development and Testing Department. Was in charge of testing for this project.


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