Targets and Results

Main Environmental Targets and Results in Fiscal 2023*1

Environmental Targets and Achievements

Item Targets Measures Results
  • CO2 emissions reduction
    2,805 t-CO2 lower than FY2020
  • Basic unit per vehicle*2
    3% lower than FY2020
  • FY2020 performance:
    8.3 t-CO2/thousand vehicles
  • Shift to energy-saving production equipment
  • Switch to LEDs
  • Shift to energy-saving air conditioning
  • Introduction of renewable energy
  • CO2 emissions reduction
    14,844 t-CO2 lower than FY2020*3
  • Basic unit per vehicle
    1% higher than FY2020
  • FY2023 performance:
    8.4 t-CO2/thousand vehicles
  • Recycling rate
    1.5% higher than FY2020
  • Promote recycling
  • Reduce product defect rate
  • Reduce packaging materials
  • Recycling rate
    4.1% lower than FY2020
  • Maintain water intake level compared to FY2020
  • Conserve water at all worksites
  • Inspect water supply equipment for leakage
  • Water intake
    12% lower than FY2020
  • Consolidated subsidiaries are included in the scope of aggregation, but some subsidiaries are excluded on the same standard as “Trends in environmental results.”
  • “Per unit” figures are calculations performed according to TS TECH’s standards and indicate CO2 emissions relative to production volume during business activities
  • Emission coefficients for the base year are used to maintain consistency in target management. The difference in CO2 emissions using the coefficients for FY2023 is -27,277 t-CO2.

Long-term environment targets

In the interest of protecting the global environment, the Group will work to reduce the environmental impact of all aspects of its corporate activities. Our efforts to build a sustainable world are guided by our vision statement of being “a company dedicated to realizing people’s potential” and “a company sincerely appreciated by all.” We aim to strike a balance between achieving further business growth and contributing to the resolution of social issues, including the creation of a recycling-oriented society and conservation of water resources, in addition to responding to climate change, which is becoming more serious by the year. Accordingly, we have set long-term targets for such environmental issues. The whole Group will work to achieve these goals by promoting environmental conservation activities.

Item KPI Term for comparison 2030 target 2050 target
CO2 CO2 emissions reduction rate*1 Compared with FY2020 -50% -100%
Waste Waste reduction rate*2 Compared with FY2020 -50% -100%
Water Water intake and wastewater reduction rates*3 Compared with FY2020 Water intake reduction rate -50% Wastewater reduction rate -100%
Environmental impact of wastewater*4 Zero Zero
  • CO2 emissions reduction rate (Scope 1 and 2) resulting from the Group’s business activities
  • Reduction rate for waste resulting from the Group’s manufacturing activities (excluding residue, sludge, etc.)
  • Reduction rate of water intake (amount used) at the Group’s production facilities and reduction of wastewater resulting from manufacturing activities
  • Environmental impact of wastewater resulting from the Group’s manufacturing activities

Carbon Neutrality Initiatives

To achieve carbon neutrality in our business activities by 2050, we aim to significantly reduce our Scope 2 emissions, while working on energy conservation activities and the adoption of renewable energy. As part of our energy conservation activities, we will strive to improve the efficiency of our production equipment by developing new production technologies, by switching to the latest equipment, and by installing inverters. Moreover, we will adopt renewable energy technology, such as solar power systems, purchase renewable electricity based on regional characteristics, and utilize green electricity certificates.

To reduce Scope 1 emissions, we plan to electrify Group facilities starting around 2030, when various environmental technologies are expected to become widespread. We aim to achieve carbon neutrality by electrifying our facilities that use fossil fuels such as natural gas, by replacing conventional company vehicles with EVs, and adopting ZEB* standards when constructing or renovating factories.

  • The aim of a Zero-Energy Building (ZEB) is to reduce the building’s CO2 emissions from energy consumption to zero. This is done by adopting renewable energy technology, while realizing significant energy savings and maintaining the quality of the indoor environment

Future projections of CO2 emissions and reduction methods

Future projections of CO2 emissions and reduction methods
  15th Medium-Term Management Plan
Medium-term plan
Long-term plan
CO2 emissions reduction target
(Scopes 1&2)
Reduction of 25% compared to FY2020 Reduction of 50% compared to FY2020 Achieving carbon neutrality
Main initiatives Energy conservation
Improving production and business processes, optimizing air conditioning and lighting, upgrading to high-efficiency equipment, and enhancing environmental management, etc.
Adoption of renewable
Installing solar power systems, purchasing renewable electricity, utilizing green electricity certificates, and utilizing power storage batteries, etc.
Raising the electrification
Replacing equipment powered by gas or heavy fuel oil, and replacing conventional vehicles with EVs, etc.

Implementing Third-Party Verification

In order to ensure the reliability environmental data disclosure, the Group has obtained third-party verification from SGS Japan Inc. Verification results for fiscal 2023 are as follows.

Verification target Verification range Results
Scopes 1 and 2 (CO2 emissions from energy use) and energy consumption 6 sites of the Organization, 5 domestic companies, 27 overseas companies Scope1: 7,083 t-CO2
Scope2: 49,937 t-CO2
Scope 3, Category 1
(CO2 emissions from purchased products and services)
Products and services extracted from TS production control system 2,330,480 t-CO2
Water intake 6 sites of the Organization, 5 domestic companies, 26 overseas companies 422,134 m3
Waste generated (including valuable waste) 16,203 t

The TS TECH Group’s Environmental Data

Energy Input

energy input graph

CO2 Emissions

CO2 emissions

Waste Generated

Waste Generated graph

Water Intake

Water intake graph
  • Scope of data: Consolidated sites excluding certain subsidiaries.
    • Energy input and CO2 emissions: 33 out of 38 consolidated subsidiaries are included in the data scope (5 companies are excluded)
    • Waste emissions and water intake: 32 out of 38 consolidated subsidiaries are included in the data scope (6 companies are excluded)
    • The revenue of the companies within the data scope accounts for 95% or more of the Group’s consolidated revenue for each period concerned.

Ratio of the sales for the companies within the data scope to the Group’s consolidated sales revenue

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Energy input and CO2 emissions Sales ratio of companies within the data scope 99.9% 97.4% 96.7% 99.5%
Waste generated and water intake Sales ratio of target companies 99.9% 97.4% 96.6% 99.5%

Scope 3 emissions (consolidated)

Category Emissions
Ratio (%)
1. Purchased goods and services 2,330,480 90.2%
2. Capital goods 32,466 1.3%
3. Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope1 & Scope2 11,864 0.5%
4. Transportation and distribution (upstream) 87,021 3.4%
5. Waste generated in operations 3,562 0.1%
6. Business travel 3,145 0.1%
7. Employee commuting 5,494 0.2%
8. Leased assets (upstream) 0 0.0%
9. Transportation and distribution (downstream) 0 0.0%
10. Processing of sold products 75,117 2.9%
11. Use of sold products 0 0.0%
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products 34,260 1.3%
13. Leased assets (downstream) 0 0.0%
14. Franchises 0 0.0%
15. Investments 0 0.0%
Other 0 0.0%
Total 2,583,409 100%
Scope 1.2.3 Emissions Graph (Consolidated)

Changes in Scope 3 emissions


FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
2,749,174 2,381,086 2,658,732 2,583,409

Material Flow

FY2023 Material Flow

material flow diagram

Fiscal 2023 Environmental Accounting

Environmental Conservation Cost (Non-consolidated)

(Unit: Million yen)

Item Main Efforts FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Investment Cost Investment Cost Investment Cost
Business area cost Pollution prevention cost Prevention of air, water, and soil pollution, etc. 12 10 21 15 22 27
Global environmental conservation cost Prevention of global warming and ozone depletion and other environmental preservation efforts 176 43 561*1 71 596*2 32
Resource circulation cost Recycling, waste treatment and disposal, and water-saving efforts 25 71 13 59 1 67
Upstream/downstream cost Costs generated from purchasing low environmental impact products and raw materials 5 1 7 3 3 1
Administration cost EMS development & operation costs, environmental measurement costs, office interior “greening” and development costs 15 60 48 46 46 74
R&D cost Research and development of new technology with a high positive environmental impact, such as reducing the weight of products, reducing VOCs (not using paints), and developing recyclable materials 10 4,000 2 4,447 14 4,215
Social activity cost Environmental measures such as nature protection, “greening,” and scenery preservation 0 1 1 1 2
Environmental remediation cost Remediation of soil pollution, etc.
Total 243 4,186 652 4,642 682 4,418
  • Expenses related to construction of the new building at the Hamamatsu Plant
  • Expenses related to solar power generation equipment at the Saitama, Hamamatsu, and Suzuka plants
  • The above figures include portions ascertained by estimation, such as apportionment.
  • Materials related to environmental accounting, such as guidelines and guidebooks published by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, were referenced when preparing the table.
  • Costs do not include depreciation costs.

Economic Effects (Non-consolidated)

(Unit: Thousand yen)

Item FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Gain on sale of valuables 5,073 9,654 13,645
Cost saved by energy conservation 4,169 3,448 3,975
Total 9,242 13,102 17,620

Material Effects (Non-consolidated)

Item FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Energy consumption (GJ) 154,488 161,867 164,634
Water consumption (1,000m3) 62 51 54
CO2 emissions (t-CO2) 6,671 4,903 2,581
CO2 emissions due to transportation (t-CO2) 1,449 1,467 1,431
Total waste output (t) 1,120 1,384 1,495
VOC emissions (t) 16 18 27
PRTR emissions (t) 0 0 0

Water Pollution Control Law, Sewerage Law

The TS TECH Group periodically monitors the release of water discharged to public water areas and drainage that soaks into the ground from each business site to confirm that the Group is in compliance with effluent standards.

Water Quality Indicators in FY2023

Item Unit Technical Center Saitama Plant Component Business Department Hamamatsu Plant Suzuka Plant
Regulatory standards Results Regulatory standards Results Regulatory standards Results Regulatory standards Results Regulatory standards Results
Hydrogen ion concentration PH 6.0–8.4 7.1 5.0–9.0 7.7 5.0–9.0 7.6 5.8–8.6 6.6 5.8–8.6 6.9
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) mg/L 10 3.0 (600)* 240 (600)* 11 160 158.0 20 9
Suspended solids mg/L 25 1.6 (600)* 190 (600)* 9 200 106.0 70 6
  • Some regulation values are self-imposed.

PRTR Act (The Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof)

Based on the PRTR Act, the TS TECH Group reports annually the amount of chemical substances emitted into the air. There have been no incidents or problems to date.

Handling of PRTR Substances in FY2023

Saitama Plant Hamamatsu Plant Suzuka Plant
Amount handled (t) 19 54 51
Amount emitted into air (t) 0 0 0
Amount transferred (t) 0 0 0