Initiatives for Respecting Human Rights
The TS TECH Group recognizes that all of its business activities are premised on Initiatives for Respecting Human Rights. We promote initiatives to respect the human rights of all people involved in our business, guided by the TS TECH Human Rights Policy. By working together with our stakeholders to put this policy into practice, we strive to remain a company that meets expectations and is sincerely appreciated by all.
(Excerpts from the main text only)
- Our Commitment to Respecting Human Rights
- TS TECH Group understands that all business activities, ranging from product development, procurement, manufacturing, logistics and sales, have a potential to affect human rights. We recognize the importance of human rights from the perspectives of those who may be impacted by these activities.
We value and respect human rights as expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights which includes The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core labor standards from ILO (International Labor Organization) - Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. In addition, with our aim to help contribute to an all-inclusive society where no one is left behind, we strive to adopt these practices in our business activities by endorsing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Furthermore, we comply with the laws and regulations of respective countries and regions where we conduct our business. If the local laws and regulations have conflicts with the internationally recognized human rights, we will pursue ways to respect the internationally recognized human rights to the greatest extent possible.
- Scope of Application
- TS TECH Group will enforce the Policy to be applied to all executives and associates (including part-time associates, contractors, temporaries, and such). We also hope and expect that all our business partners will understand the Policy and provide endorsement.
- Governance
- TS TECH Group positions Initiatives for Respecting Human Rights as one of our key management issues, and we will clearly specify the director responsible for the development and implementation of the Policy, while maintaining an appropriate internal structure. The Policy will be reflected in the necessary business policies and procedures.
- Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence
- TS TECH Group evaluates the impact of our business activities on human rights and identifies any adverse impact on human rights. In addition, we establish and continuously implement a system for human rights due diligence to prevent or mitigate such impact.
- Remedy and Correction
- TS TECH Group commits to take appropriate measures to correct or remedy, if it becomes clear that business activities have caused or contributed to adverse impact on human rights. In addition, we will establish a grievance process that can be used by related parties who may be adversely affected.
- Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders
- TS TECH Group will utilize its internal and external expertise on human rights and engage in dialogue and consultation with concerned stakeholders to improve the quality of human rights initiatives and for the continuous improvement.
- Education
- TS TECH Group undertakes appropriate education and awareness-raising activities to facilitate an understanding of the Policy and putting it into practice.
- Information Disclosure
- TS TECH Group discloses information on our efforts to respect human rights through our corporate website and other means appropriately.
The Policy was approved by Board of Directors in June 2023.
Human Rights Due Diligence
We have established systems to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts on society, such as making requests to business partners and conducting risk assessments, in accordance with the TS TECH Human Rights Policy. All group companies participate in the compliance and risk assessments (TSCG self-verification system) conducted periodically by TS TECH, and we are working together as a group to reduce human rights infringement risks.
Fostering a Greater Awareness of Human Rights
In addition to promoting awareness of the TS TECH Human Rights Policy internally, we distribute the Corporate Principles Manual containing TS TECH’s Code of Conduct, which includes content on respecting human rights and improving work environments, and we provide awareness-raising education to employees. Our Group companies in and outside Japan base their own manuals on our Corporate Principles Manual, tailoring them to reflect local culture, customs, and laws in each region. All Group employees also receive training to foster a deeper understanding of human rights.