IR Calendar

FY ended March 2025

Events Scheduled date Effective Date
Announcement of financial results for FY ended March 2024 - May 10, 2024
Briefing on financial results for FY ended March 2024 - May 10, 2024
Convocation notices sent out for 78td annual general meeting of shareholders - June 4, 2024
Payment of year-end dividends begins - June 4, 2024
78td annual general meeting of shareholders - June 21, 2024
Securities report submitted for FY ended March 2024 - June 21, 2024
Announcement of financial results for 1Q of FY ending March 2025 - Aug 9, 2024
TS TECH Integrated Report 2024 (Japanese) published late Sep 2024 -
TS TECH Integrated Report 2024 (English) published late Oct 2024 -
Announcement of financial results for 2Q of FY ending March 2025 Early Nov 2024 -
Briefing on financial results for 2Q of FY ending March 2025 Early Nov 2024 -
Semiannual report submitted of FY ending March 2025 Early Nov 2024 -
Shareholder bulletin sent out for 78td period ending March 2025 late Nov 2024 -
Payment of interim dividends begins late Nov 2024 -
Announcement of financial results for 3Q of FY ending March 2025 Early Feb 2025 -
Announcement of financial results for FY ending March 2025 Early May 2025 -
Briefing on financial results for FY ending March 2025 Early May 2025 -

*The schedule above is a plan and is subject to change.